Thursday 20 February 2014

The Three Laodiceans

We have rounded up three of the most dangerous online “ministries” threatening the church as we know it, exposing them for what they truly are Heretics and causing weapeans of mass delusions.



Lion and Lamb Ministries

All three sites run within the same circle dedicated to the mainstream movement of Dispensationalism with a forceful and arrogant take on when the rapture, Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38, and the Tribulations will and must occur in that sequence.

Within RaptureForum you will quickly realise who are the main clicks on this forum. All objections to their view or challenges to their view for example Tithing, Satan still has access to Heaven, Pretrip Rapture, Psalm 83 future, European Anitchrist and so forth is met with mockery, manipulation of the forum structures to prevent you from further posting or any objective challenge to their believes and will result in you being banned from topics and banned from the entire site itself. The main NAZI like tactics are instigated by members who go by the names of RandallB, iSong 6:3, Mattfivefour and Chris.

The owner and blogger of Eschatologytoday believes that the Holy Angel gave him the prophetic blueprint to how the events of Rapture, Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38 and the Tribulation will occur or unfold and any challenge to this is against “the holy spirit”.  Again any challenge to this belief of sequence is met with complete smugness and arrogance.

LionandLamb run by Dr. David Reagan believes that the lord gives him dreams, visions and prophetic words; the problem is Dr David Reagan prophesies things in time frames that never happens. Nathan who handles the website and social media aspects of the site shares in the same believes and can be find regularly on Christian sites.

The dangers with these three Laodiceans is the breading ground and influence they seems to have on their members one can even go so far as to call them cults. The bases of their attitudes is your either against us or with us. Inorther words if you don’t believe in our doctrines you are wrong, a false teacher, a heretic and will burn in hell.

They further push the belief in Dispensationalism and that one does not have to believe in pretrib rapture in order to be saved is highly contradictory to the very movement or doctrine they worship. Not only are they deluding others, but are in effect deluding themselves as the very reason for the doctrine of Despensationalism was founded to promote pre trib rapture and one must believe in that doctrine in order to be saved. However this is a dedicated topic we will cover in our next posting on why Dispensationalism is heretic movement.

As mentioned you will notice that the three Laodiceans travel in packs. If one stumbles upon Joels Trumpet you can really see how they behave and the arrogance displayed on fellow teachers

Meet the Laodiceans and know who the enemy of Christ is.
Here is a link on Chris the owner of RaptureForum, Sean Osborne, owner of Eschatologytoday and Nathan of Lion and Lamb completely attacking a fellow Christian
Sean Osborne
The devoid-of-the-Holy Spirit aspect of such teaching and efforts will be laid bare. The consequences of this false teaching will be painful.

“Accuser in Christ”…er…”Brother in Christ” I hate to be the one to tell you this but you don’t have a clue as to what you are spewing out of your mouth!
Don't listen to Joel! says: Chris Schang (host of Rapture Forums),
January 30, 2014 at 1:45 am
Neither of the two verses you first quoted said the AC will be buried. Can’t you read? And it is very telling that you did not put the exact verses from Isaiah 14 you quoted in your little article. Why did you leave out Isaiah 14:20 ? That right there says the AC is not buried. So you’ve got Revelation and Isaiah 14:20  both saying he is not buried, but oh no, Joel can’t listen to God. He’s too busy promoting his bankrupt Islamic AC nonsense. I just noticed your Alexa ranking, it is way up at 3.7 million. That means NO ONE is listening to you anymore. LOL Give it up, admit you were wrong, and join the rest of the sound Bible teachers and quit trying to make money on bankrupt theories. LOL

These ministries are not God inspired nor can one find the holy spirit in them. These three heretics are not promoting God they promoting their own ego’s with a NAZI like tactic to do anything to save their reputation than to submit to the truth.

Rev 3:15-17
“I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! 16 But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!